Genius International srl
Via Pagliano, 35
20149 Milano - Italia
C.F. P.IVA: 03514810963
Reg. Imp. Milano: 03514810963
REA: MI - 1680125
Cap. Soc. 10.000€

Privacy Policy

Report concerning personal data processing under EU Regulation 2016/679, art. 13-14

Data subject: Web Site Visitors.
Pisani Editore srl as Data Controller, under EU Reg. 2016/679, known as GDPR, informs you that the aforementioned regulation provides for protection with respect of individuals' personal data. This processing will be carried out following principles such as legitimacy, legality and transparency and in full respect of your rights as data subject.
Your personal data will be processed in accordance with provisions of the above-mentioned regulation and its confidentiality obligations.
Purposes and legal basis of personal data processing: your personal data will be processed for the following purposes in relation to contractual or legal obligations: a) Technical and functional access to the web site, no date is kept after browser closure; b) For statistic purposes and analysis of browsing and users.
Given your consent, your personal data may be used for the following purposes: a) Electronic payment instruments b) Periodic Newsletter; c) Sales through TV or web.
Data conferment is for you elective with respect to the above-mentioned purposes. Any refusal to data processing does not compromise the on-going relationship neither the accuracy of the processing itself.

Processing procedures and methodologies.
Your data may be processed in the following ways: a) Using electronic calculators running self-managed softwares or directly engineered; b) using electronic calculators running softwares managed by third parties; c) temporary data processing according to anonymous procedures. Each data processing is made in compliance with procedures under articles 6,32 GDPR applying proper safety measures. Your data will be exclusively processed by authorized personnel given data controller permission, and especially by those following agents: a) Editorial office; b) Management; c) Marketing office; d) Programmers and Analysts.
Notice: your data will be solely transmitted to duly appointed competent individuals in order to fulfill necessary utilities for a proper relationship management with protection guarantee for involved persons.
Your data may be transmitted to duly appointed third parties responsible for the processing, especially to: a)PayPal; b)2CheckOut. Distribution: Your personal data will not be distributed in any way. Your data may be transmitted, limited to the above-mentioned purposes, to the following countries: a) EU Countries; b) The United States.
Conservation period. We duly inform you that, according to principles of legality, limitation of purpose and personal data minimization in accordance with art.5 GDPR, your personal data conservation period is: 5-10 years according to civil code article 2948 which requires the allowance of 5 years for periodic payments; civil code article 2220 that requires the preservation of accounting documents for 10 years; article 22 of the D.P.R. dated September 29th 1973, n.600.

Cookie management
In case you have doubts or concerns about the use of cookies you can always intervene to prevent the setting and reading, for example by changing the privacy settings in your browser in order to block certain types. Since each browser - and often different versions of the same browser - also differ significantly from each other, if you prefer to act independently through the preferences of your browser, you can find detailed information about the procedure required in the guide of your browser. For an overview of the most common browsing modes, please visit Advertising companies also allow you to opt out of receiving targeted ads, if desired. This does not prevent the setting of cookies, but interrupts the use and collection of some data by these companies. For more information and cancellation options, visit

Data controller
The Data controller in compliance with the law is Pisani Editore srl (via Eleuterio Pagliano 35 , 20149 Milano (MI); P.Iva: 08934040158) Manager in charge Marco Bruto Pisani. You have the right to request the Data Controller to access, amend, erase, restrict processing, transfer, object to processing and contest automated decisions based on his/her personal data as from articles 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 of GDPR. You may also examine whenever you like the updated version of the present report by connecting to the following web site

EU Regulation 2016/679: Articles 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22 - Rights of data subjects
Data subjects have the right to obtain confirmation about existence of related personal data even if not registered yet, as well as their comprehensible transmission. The data subject has the right to obtain the following information: a) personal data origins; b) data processing puroposes and modalities; c) applied logic in case of data processing carried out through electronic devices; d) data details of data controller, liable agents and appointed representative under article 5, clause 2. e) Individuals or categories of individuals which personal data may be transmitted to or may learn about as appointed representatives or liable and entrusted agents in the country The data subject has the right to obtain: a) update, rectification or, given their interest, data integration; b) Anonymous cancellation, transformation or block of personal data given law violations, included data whose conservation is not necessary with respect to purposes for which data were collected and then processed; c) Attestation concerning operations in accordance with letters a) and b) are brought to knowledge of those, with respect to their content, whose data were transmitted or diffused, except the case whose fulfillment turns out to be impossible or implies the usage of procedures way too out of proportion compared to the protected right; d) Data portability
The data subject has the right to exercise full or partially opposition: a) due to specific legitimate reasons related to the personal data processing, albeit pertaining to collection purposes; b) related personal data processing for the purposes of advertising material or direct sale or to the accomplishment of market researches or commercial communication.

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